Tuesday 11 December 2012

A Face - be selffish while reading this because this is ur Mirror

Life is  so weired wdout a  beautiful face dt people prefer to see .
Reception needs a nice face ,every stupid boy or girl searches a nice face to smile at them  .Every mother in  law loves to see a beautiful .
daughter in  law  so finally i dont wan to say that its easy to sell cosmetics to Indian market  .we  try to become presentable for others  n never nourish our inner face or never wear d things what ur heart  says ,  so d soul is tamperd wd our obsessed thinking of becoming presentable not fr self but fr others .
When our eyes are open u cn see the beauty of world including yourself in a mirror but d moment one closes his eyes and try to b wth oneself there is an introspection  about ur real smiling face (high time to think about other's smile)wth d bifurcated tongue slipping out of fangs...see thats u diplomatic , flatterer,smart, abusive angry dog barking at some one who was dear to u someday...
Truly ,we carry atleast two faces  and multi characters wd many attire n dilogues inbuilt fr occasions right from bedroom to office to functions  and then to self.
In reality  this question of identity has arised because of   two people in one body  one is 'I ' and another is 'me' 
'I  ' is what  society  , parents ,friend etc .knows about you  and 'me'  is  the secret what is known to self  and no one else. So next time u  get angry bird try to look n visualise ur self in my mirror u vl see a real face . I know anger cannot b stopped  but can only b managed .
So its time to gv a stitch in time n make ds life beautiful.

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