Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Nature is the ultimate truth ------- you have to agree today or later...

My Nature

Today i enjoy every thing which is virtual
 and nature is just a ritual for many..just to be hold and told.
It is currency which is ruling and fooling
and the nature is just at the bay
so we have experienced Tsunami and many more calamities 
where as strongest nations  too are helplessly baring  the bites.
Today we enjoy spectrum of prism to digest physics which is just derived from nature’s rainbow
Which need n’t be told if we have seen a
Dew droplet shining like a pearl in the cold
Today water has lost it’s colour and meadows
Have become yellow
The birds which used to fly high are now very rare
As if they don’t want to share their cries.
Don’t you think, we should have cared?
Today the river which is flowing is the river of blood when greenery was killed.
It’s a river of cruelty and pain.
The river that flows in vain to a magical ocean which never complains.
My nature is just staring at me helplessly 
A tree is going dry but still waving her hands to save her 
and we are just ignoring it .
when we will listen this nature and when we will be sorry for every thing that we have 
taken for toss.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

A Face POem...... a real one really or unreal to believe with a lie

Behind this face is a real person
someone who needs to feel wanted but no body is ready to adopt him and loan his love

Behind this face is a brain
one that has real intelligence but uses cunningly for self and casually fr someones tears

Behind this body there is  a heart
one that breaks but get mended with time
and finally get washed and wiped up with time.

Behind this face is a person who feels things
like everyone else but ignores it like a minor fever.

Behind this face is just a person who wants to be treated like any one else
but people make fun of me after praising it hypocritically and only smile when my face says sorry with a guilt after  not being guilty.

Behind this face is a person who laughs,smiles,preach but hardly finds time for introspection and  to follow it

thankyou for all the privilages and tribute given to this face.
I know ,I will change as i have many faces
and I know I will even change you and make you like me so be careful don t get dragged away.

I will make you doctor ' i will make you reporter, I will make you
 I will spoil You,  but you be what you want to be
because you are responsible for your self.

Yes, i am a teacher.thank you once again for giving me this face and making my life beautiful..........

Tuesday 11 December 2012

A Face - be selffish while reading this because this is ur Mirror

Life is  so weired wdout a  beautiful face dt people prefer to see .
Reception needs a nice face ,every stupid boy or girl searches a nice face to smile at them  .Every mother in  law loves to see a beautiful .
daughter in  law  so finally i dont wan to say that its easy to sell cosmetics to Indian market  .we  try to become presentable for others  n never nourish our inner face or never wear d things what ur heart  says ,  so d soul is tamperd wd our obsessed thinking of becoming presentable not fr self but fr others .
When our eyes are open u cn see the beauty of world including yourself in a mirror but d moment one closes his eyes and try to b wth oneself there is an introspection  about ur real smiling face (high time to think about other's smile)wth d bifurcated tongue slipping out of fangs...see thats u diplomatic , flatterer,smart, abusive angry dog barking at some one who was dear to u someday...
Truly ,we carry atleast two faces  and multi characters wd many attire n dilogues inbuilt fr occasions right from bedroom to office to functions  and then to self.
In reality  this question of identity has arised because of   two people in one body  one is 'I ' and another is 'me' 
'I  ' is what  society  , parents ,friend etc .knows about you  and 'me'  is  the secret what is known to self  and no one else. So next time u  get angry bird try to look n visualise ur self in my mirror u vl see a real face . I know anger cannot b stopped  but can only b managed .
So its time to gv a stitch in time n make ds life beautiful.

Saturday 8 December 2012

We dont get many thgs in life only beacuse we dont want it desperately one should need it badly n it comes true

They say if u cnt convince confuse them but my theory was always simple called as Algae theory......
Realisation of lv is like a mild sweat  flowing wd a breeze n evoperating wd a smile . Holding hers soft hand
Shivering voice  ,eyes ready to experience  somthing beautiful ,heart ready to sore  up fr an adventure of twinkling eyes  still so real oh God ! God only knows what was dt  but life was beautiful wd those algaes ..... n now wd a tongue  out  doggy smile dts wht she called me at dt time . Beautiful memories ....

Why we fall in fight fog when we have already fallen in love ........

Life is really d best thing what one should relish .With  laughter  we forget d pain  ,fights, bite of luck ,scoldings n other 's wish of upsetting ur live  24 carrat smile  no one cn affect u unless u let it happen to ur intriguing mind  n start caring fr someone's frustration . Life's joy is in small arguments instead digging it deep n proving ur mettle of a great advocate by endg all d gruges At dt very moment wd a smile- sorry n forgive n forget law made by a saints but cn b followed only wd  a Lively person
Why we loved n accepted hatered whn  we startd wd love .Love is basically d peace d serinity d calmness of an hour where mind flots wd a nostaligic dream n finally ends wd an interuption of a smile.
There was nothing before love n there vl b nothing after hatered d only thing which always existed n vl b existg fr eternal is d peace dn why  dere is war when peace is d only thing to exist.........................lets stop barking like hounds n staring like crow n b d human wd lv n only lv left 2 share wd every creature..... ameen! Lets live n make ds life memorable larger dn life  real  ...kingsize.