Tuesday 7 October 2014

Robinsharma at its best

By Robin Sharma #1 bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title” Just home from the tour that included stops in Zurich, Stockholm, Kuwait, Moscow, Saudi Arabia and Lisbon. I know I should be in refueling mode but I needed to share these 50 Rules with you. These will remind you that leadership is less about a title and more about a decision… …to work with wonder, achieve with awe, go the extra mile in all you do, innovate like Beethoven composed music, radiate optimism like Mr. Mandela led and pretty much lift up everyone you meet by the gift of your masterful example. Our world demands that of you and I, yes? I guess what I’m suggesting with love and respect is really this… …leadership’s not just for CEOs and Presidents…we ALL can lead. Because leadership’s mostly a mindset and a way of doing things… Taxi drivers can lead and street sweepers can lead and teachers can lead as can managers, artists and salespeople… These 50 Rules are drawn from my over 18 years of passionate work with the Fortune 500 and from The Leader Who Had No Title If you still haven’t read this book that’s been a complete game-changer for so many people and organizations, you can get it here Ok. Let’s go…
#1. To lead is to serve. #2. At the heart of mastery lives consistency. #3. Take care of the relationship and the money will take care of itself. #4. The seduction of safety is always more dangerous than the illusion of uncertainty. #5. To double your income triple your investment in your professional education and your personal development. #6. The swiftest way to grow your company is to grow your people. #7. If you’re not leaving a trail of leaders behind you you’re not leading–you’re following. #8. An addiction to distraction is the end of creative production. #9. The caliber of your practice determines the quality of your performance. #10. Leaders Without Titles are less about ego and more about getting things done. #11. Don’t worry about the economy when you can be so genius at what you do that you create your very own personal economy. #12. Lead where you are planted. Start where you stand. And remember that much of winning is just beginning. #13. The true measure of our leadership is how we perform in volatile conditions versus in times of ease. #14. To lead is to be yourself in a world of clones. I recently re-read one of my favorite business books–Do You, the bestseller by Russell Simmons, the legendary entrepreneur who founded (and sold) Phat Farm clothing and co-founded Def Jam records. He reminds us that to win in business, “do you” by staying true to your vision even when everybody’s laughing… …BIG NEWS…Russell Simmons has just signed on as a member of my faculty for The Titan Summit 2014, joining Sir Richard Branson, Dr. Daniel Amen, Todd Henry, Dr. John Izzo and Dr. James Rouse. All these thought leaders will be in the room with us helping you grow your business and mindset so you become unstoppable… …Watch this short but inspiring video to get one of the remaining seats before they’re gone and you miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. #15. Aim for iconic. Why be in it if you’re not dreaming of being in the history books? But be kind, decent and ethical along the way. #16. The humblest is the greatest. #17. Energy is more valuable than intelligence. Health is more brilliant than gold. #18. The thing you most fear carries your greatest growth. #19. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. #20. Criticism is the price brave people pay to arrive at iconic. #21. If you’re not lifting people up you’re bringing people down. #22. Leadership has less to do with authority and more to do with a mindset. #23. Where the victim sees a problem a leader sees an opportunity. #24. Don’t wait until you’re successful to work on your optimism. Work on your optimism and you’ll become a lot more successful. #25. Be alone a lot. All massively creative people value solitude. It allows them to protect their dreams from the voices of dissent, refuel their creativity and get far more done–free from distraction. #26. Small daily micro-wins when done continually over time lead to staggering results. #27. Genius has less to do with natural talent and divinely blessed gifts and more to do with relentless focus (to the point of obsession), extreme practice and uncommon grit. #28. Disrupt or be disrupted. #29. Be the most honest person in every room. #30. Remember that people don’t leave companies. They leave the people they worked for. #31. Saying you’ll “try” is expressing “I’m not really committed.” #32. The secret of passion is purpose. As I shared years ago in Leadership Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, when you know your why, the hows just start showing up. #33. If you’re the smartest person you know it’s time to know new people. #34. Outlearning everyone around you is a game-changer. The best love learning. Because once you know more you can achieve more. #35. To make more money, help more people. #36. Leaders Without Titles talk about ideas versus people and dreams versus others. #37. Eat less food, get more done. #38. The way you begin your day determines how you live it. So put mind over mattress. Win the battle of the bed. And join The 5 am Club (another total game-changer). #39. Develop an obsessive attention to detail. World-class user experiences are all about winning at the small stuff everyone else doesn’t care about. #40. Even if you clean toilets, do it with pride and love. This summer I met a man who cleans toilets at the Johannesburg airport. He beamed “welcome to my office” as I entered. The place was flawless. His passion was palpable. That man is my hero. And he reminded me that all work has dignity and honor. #41. Leaders Without Titles are in the business of making people feel bigger versus smaller. And smarter versus less knowledgeable. And seeing gifts and talents they’ve never seen before. #42. Lean into your fears. Commit to what frightens you. Life’s way to short to play small. #43. The secret to genius is doing less. Developing a monomaniacal focus on being brilliant at one thing is the the key to mastery. You’re smart so you know that the person who tries to get great at many things ends up mediocre at all of them, no? #44. The moment you think you’re a virtuoso you’ve lost your virtuosity. The best always think like a beginner. And they know that nothing fails like success. #45. Be decent and kind and loving. At the end you’ll have wished you were. #46. Never lose the sparkle in your eyes and your sense of wonder about the things most people take for granted. Leadership, business and life is awesome. Don’t miss the simple rewards of standing for world-class. [Note: there are two types of income...external (money and title) and internal (pride on doing great work and pursuing mastery). The ordinary chase the first. The exceptional want the last]. #47. Remember that the things that get scheduled are the things that get done. #48. Say please and thank you. #49. Practice gratitude daily. To lead is to see the blessings each day brings. You’ll also release dopamine–the neurotransmitter of motivation–which will kickstart your performance. The value of being grateful reminds me of the Persian proverb: “I cursed the fact that I had no shoes….until I saw the man who had no feet.” #50. Do your part. Be the leader you wish the people around you would be. As Mother Teresa said: “If each of us would sweep our own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.” Now, please go lead…. With every great wish for your rise to iconic… - See more at: http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/10/50-rules-to-lead-the-field/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+robinsharma%2FYlRc+%28Robin+Sharma%27s+Blog%29#sthash.9FVauXBJ.dpuf

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