Sunday 27 April 2014

Tips for icse literature

Dear  ICSE students,  
Hope   you  will   make    best   use   of   the    resources  what   I  always share    with   you,  this    is   just  another  one  which    will   add   feathers   to   your  cap  if    you   follow   my  tips   to   top  for    English Literature  religiously   right   from    the    scratch   of    2014   .

Let's  make  literature learning easy....Read  ..comprehend ,   share and   write for  practice and  confidence....Fundamentals for a successful student

Tips to answer English Literature Paper in ICSE 2015  Board Exam
Gear up  Guys..,

As it is important to adjust time for writing out the English language Paper while appearing for ICSE Boards Examination, it is also mandatory to be very cautious of time as well as the choices made to answer English Paper 2 which is English Literature 80 marks.
While attempting to write out answers for the English Literature Paper the examinees must follow these simple tips that will help them to score good marks in their exams.
1) The first criterion that needs to be followed during the Literature ICSE Exam is to read and understand the question properly so that the examinee must not have any confusion while writing out the answers.
2) All answers should be written to the point which means no more and no less. The examinee must remember that the examiner will mark him on the points that he will be adding to his answer. So he must write to the point answers without adding unnecessary details and wasting time.
3) While attempting the Reference to the Context questions the examinee must use separate paragraphs to answer the part questions. For instance if the first question has four parts, then the examiner must make four paragraphs. Ending line should be drawn after each answer.
4) Avoid writing long sentences while answering the contextualized questions. Remember the examiner has too many answer scripts to correct and hence she will not waste her time reading irrelevant details. So make sure answers are composed in the form of short sentences ,simple language and are to the point.
5) Avoid using too much of flowery language as Literature Paper demands more of the correct content rather than style and vocabulary. If your points are correct then you are bound to get your marks even if your answers are framed in simple language.
6) Avoid repeating the same ideas in all the questions. Even if some of the questions require the same ideas, try to rephrase the ideas in different ways. This will help the examiner to take interest to read the answers.
7) As always said, try to maintain the focus of the question when you begin writing out an answer and also try to end the answer keeping the focus of the question. Maintaining the focus of the question helps the examinee to frame a well written detailed answer.
8) Try to avoid choosing questions demanding character analysis as it requires a lot of examples to shade the character. If confident and well equipped with examples and illustrations, then only the examinee should attempt such questions.
9) Try to time out yourselves while writing out the Literature Paper. Always attempt the Reference to the context questions first as these questions provide enough scope to get marks. Attempt the detailed answers in the end.
10) Finally try to put more emphasis on the content and the points added to the answers rather than concentrating more on grammar, spellings and vocabulary because this is not a Language Paper where the examinee will be marked on grammar and vocabulary.
But here in Literature Paper, examiners concentrate more on content and to the point answers.

Happy  learning  folks,

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