Thursday 29 August 2013

Trust almighty he is der in u all time

Gm  life  is  a  smile  gv  it  to  everyone , like  sunlight   n  b  a  beautiful  God  in  ds  life
All is  welll
Trust  urself  n  more dn  dt d  almight'sLoVe

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Excess of sadness is too fatal

Check out @professor_ravi's Tweet:

Monday 26 August 2013

My moral my mumbai

Check out @professor_ravi's Tweet:

B happy

First, realize how fortunate you are as compared to billions of other people around the world who have to deal with war, famine, hunger, loss of freedom etc. Things which most of us take for granted. Sent from the Finding Happiness by

Nothg is gud or bad ur thinking maks it so....

Thought Provoking - Not many things are inherently good or evil. It is how our mind perceives it makes them such, which is great in a way because that means you have the power to control your reactions.

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Friday 23 August 2013

Dont worry b happy

Thought Provoking - If your mind is happy the world seems like a great place. If your mind is unhappy the world seems like a horrible place. It is all about perception, your perception. This is why on a good day you ignored being cut off on the road and on a bad mood day you went bonkers.

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Thursday 22 August 2013

Life live in it believe me its beautiful .

Check out @professor_ravi's Tweet:

I m happy

I m  happy

Thought Provoking - If happiness could be found in places then all Hawaiians must be very happy and we should all move there. This is however not the case. You could live in the most happening city in the world and still be unhappy.

Sent frm

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Finding happiness

It is because we search for happiness in the wrong places. It's like trying to find a black cat in a dark room, when the cat's not there.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Life n its truth

Follow  me  on  twitter   
prof_ravi   n   react   to  it  instead  of  being  nostaligic life  today:

       "I am responsible for what I spoke., but not for what you understood"

        "Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything but...,
Surely keeps us very very busy doing nothing.''

        Good heart and good character are two different things
Good heart can WIN many Relationships
But Good character can SUPPORT life long relationship.

Read twice because it is an excellent quote:

"Life can give us lots of beautiful persons but only one person is enough for a beautiful life."
Time is like a river, you can never touch the same water twice because the flow that has gone by will never go by again.
Enjoy your life today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may
never come....